Sunday, November 8, 2015


It has taken me a while to get this blog and a face book page underway.
So my plan is to start from my first Op-Ed that appeared in the Detroit News just prior to the vote on the Pontiac School District proposal for a "sinking fund" millage in August 2015.  It was submitted as follows:
Over the last several years members of the Pontiac School District Board of Education have stolen, lost  or mismanaged more than 50 Million dollars.  To my knowledge, one person has gone to prison.  Is there anyone out there who thinks that one person cheated our children out of the whole $50 million?  How did this happen?  It happened because of backroom, illegal, closed door deals and decisions.

I know each and every one of the present board members, having gotten to know them while campaigning with and against them.  I am confident there is no longer the skullduggery of previous boards. These are hardworking, dedicated people who care about our kids and our community. That being said, until they make some fundamental changes in the way they conduct their business, I cannot and will not vote to give them another cent.

 When I ran for the Board of Education last year, my goal was to make the board more accountable and to function according to the Open Meetings Act and operate in the sunshine.  Fellow citizens, “it ain’t happenin”.  A Board member said to me, “We’re doing what the Open Meetings Act allows.”  I disagree with that statement, but that aside, they are not following the spirit of the Act and that’s exactly why all the shadiness took place before. It’s also why there’s continuing distrust of the board’s actions.

Do you want my vote?  Make these changes in how you conduct your business:

     >When there’s a motion on the floor allow for public comment during the discussion.

     >There were 24,000 kids in the district, now it’s 4500.  Do away with two trustee seats.

    > No longer allow members to show up at meeting for five minutes and leave.

 > Stop allowing members to participate and vote over the phone.

    >Stop holding “special meetings” making the public think they are not   welcome.                                       

  >Stop having meetings “offsite” with board members when it constitutes a quorum.

    >Start posting agenda notices and meeting minutes in a timely fashion.

    >Make videos and podcasts of meetings available to ALL seven communities.

    >Board members make $81.50 for ANY meeting.  Make the compensation $11.50.

Here is the argument against making any of the above changes, as offered to me by a past President of the Board, “We operate differently than other boards, we have different rules.”  NO YOU DON’T.     Here’s another example, I was talking on the phone to Board member the other day as he was trying to get into a parking lot, when I heard this:   “I am too allowed to park here I’m an elected official.”   That’s the attitude of entitlement that got us to where we are today.

People in EVERY voting precinct in the District tell me they want change.  OK folks, here’s your chance. Cut their money off and they will have to change.  SAVE THE CHILDREN!  VOTE NO!
NOTE:  Since I wrote this I have found that the Board of Education doesn't follow it's own policy concerning pay for attending their own meetings. Through the Freedom of Information Act, they inform me they get a "Stipend" of $70.00 per meeting.  Therefore I amend my suggestion that Members receive $11.50 per meeting, but rather $7.00.

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