Monday, March 7, 2016


Tomorrow we need your NO vote on the proposals from the City of Pontiac School District. We cannot continue to pour good money after bad into one of the poorest preforming school districts in the history of the State of Michigan. For whatever reason, the Board of Education has neither the desire nor the ability to fix the myriad of problems they are facing.  They claim that the over $50 million deficit is being paid off, no it isn’t. They claim our children being better educated, according to the State of Michigan statistics, they are not.

OUR CHILDREN DESERVE BETTER THAN WHAT THEY’RE GETTING FROM US. Nothing will happen as long all the parties involved in operating this District continue their inferior leadership and poor judgement. It’s not just the poorly functioning local school board, it’s the Oakland County Intermediate District, which is merely a glorified secretary to the PSD and who’s Superintendent, when asked about restructuring the District said, “It’s already been restructured.” NO, it has not. As for the State involvement in our school district, I have three words for you, Flint water crisis.

Bottom Line: Get out tomorrow and vote NO. Our children’s futures are at stake. Also, please remember that the WeCareMovement has graciously offered voters a free ride to the polls, please call them at:
